Allah SWT menegaskan dalam firman-Nya, Katakanlah (Muhammad),
‘Seandainya lautan menjadi tinta untuk (menulis) kalimat-kalimat Tuhanku, maka pasti habislah lautan itu sebelum selesai (penulisan) kalimat-kalimat Tuhanku,
meskipun Kami datangkan tambahan sebanyak itu (pula)

Sunday, 22 September 2013

the greatest Arab physician

Avicenna is considered the greatest Arab physician today and was recognized as such during his lifetime as well. Rulers of various warring states of the disintegrating Arab hegemony considered Avicenna one of the spoils of war. In addition to his many writings concerning health and medicine, Avicenna argued that alchemists would never be able to transmute base metals into gold. He also transmitted many of Aristotle's views to the wide audience he obtained for the hundreds of books attributed to him.

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