Allah SWT menegaskan dalam firman-Nya, Katakanlah (Muhammad),
‘Seandainya lautan menjadi tinta untuk (menulis) kalimat-kalimat Tuhanku, maka pasti habislah lautan itu sebelum selesai (penulisan) kalimat-kalimat Tuhanku,
meskipun Kami datangkan tambahan sebanyak itu (pula)

Monday, 23 December 2013

Ibn Taimiyah in the eyes of the Sunni Ulema

Shia Pen

Whilst up till this point we have sought to condemn Ibn Taimiyah from his own pen, let us cite some Sunni opinions on the Shiekh ul Islam of the Salafis.

We read in Al-Fatawa al-Hadithya by Ibn Hajar al-Haythami, pages 156-157:

ابن تيمية عبد خذله الله وأضله وأعماه وأصمه وأذله ، وبذلك صرح الأئمة الذين بينوا فساد أحواله وكذب أقواله ۔۔۔

IbnTamiyah is a person who has been made infamous, blind, deaf and contemptible and the very fact has also been endorsed by the Imams who have mentioned his being a Fasid and a lair. Whoever wants to know him, should peruse the literature of Imam Hassan bin Subki al-Mujtahid, on whose Imamate, glory, and rank touching the limits of Ijtihad, there is an agreement, and of his son Taj and Shaykh Imam Al-Azz bin Jama and of the scholars amongst the Shafiyees, Malikis and Hanafis of his era. Ibn Tamiyah did not restrict himself to objecting over the later Sufies but he also raised objections against Umar bin al-Khattab and Ali bin Abi Talib. The summary is, that there is no worth of his writing, in fact they should be thrown into a abyss and belief should be held about him that he was an innovator, deviated, ignorant and the one who did Ghlu and may Allah deal with him through His justice and may keep us away from his beliefs and acts, Ameen.
Al-Fatawa al-Hadithya by Ibn Hajar al-Haythami, pages 156-157

We read in Al-Dura al-Mudhia, by Ali bin Abdulkafi al-Subki al-Shafiyee (d. 756 H), page 5:

أحدث ابن تيمية ما أحدث في أصول العقائد ونقض من دعائم الإسلام الأركان والمعاقد بعد أن كان مستترا بتبعية الكتاب والسنة مظهرا أنه داع إلى الحق هاد إلى الجنة فخرج عن الاتباع إلى الابتداع وشذ عن جماعة المسلمين بمخالفة الاجماع

“When Ibn Taimiyah caused what he caused in ideology and abolished the pillars of Islam after which he pretended to be an adherent of the Book and Sunnah, and pretended that he was an advocate for truth and guiding others to heaven, he went astray and (went) towards originating a heresy, and became odd by contradicting the Ijma of Muslims.”

We rean in a book Al-Tawfiq al-Rabani written by a group of Sunni scholars, page 32:

علمه أكثر من عقله فأداه اجتهاده إلى خرق الاجماع في مسائل كثيرة قيل انها تبلغ ستين مسألة فأخذته الألسنة بسبب ذلك وتطرق إليه اللوم وامتحن بهذا السبب وأسرع علماء عصره في الرد عليه وتخطئته وتبديعه ومات مسجونا بسبب ذلك.

Sheikh Iraqi said … his knowledge exceeded the capabilities of his brain, and he therefore contradicted the ‘Ijma’ of Muslims on many issues. They said on around 60 matters. They therefore criticized and blamed him, and he has been examined due to that. The scholars of his time refuted him, presented his mistakes, and deemed him a heretic. He was also imprisoned due to that.”

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