Allah SWT menegaskan dalam firman-Nya, Katakanlah (Muhammad),
‘Seandainya lautan menjadi tinta untuk (menulis) kalimat-kalimat Tuhanku, maka pasti habislah lautan itu sebelum selesai (penulisan) kalimat-kalimat Tuhanku,
meskipun Kami datangkan tambahan sebanyak itu (pula)

Friday, 27 December 2013

Ibn Battuta Award


"To the world of today the men of medieval Christendom already seem remote and unfamiliar. Their names and deeds are recorded in our history-books, their monuments still adorn our cities, but our kinship with them is a thing unreal, which costs an effort of imagination. How much more must this apply to the great Islamic civilization, that stood over against medieval Europe, menacing its existence and yet linked to it by a hundred ties that even war and fear could not sever. Its monuments too abide, for those who may have the fortunate to visit them, but its men and manners are to most of us utterly unknown, or dimly conceived in the romantic image of the Arabian Nights. Even for the specialist it is difficult to reconstruct their lives and see them as they were. Histories and biographies there are in quantity, but the historians for all their picturesque details, seldom show the ability to select the essential and to give their figures that touch of the intimate which makes them live again for the reader. It is in this faculty that Ibn Battuta excels."

Thus begins the book, "Ibn Battuta, Travels in Asia andAfrica 1325-1354" published by Routledge and Kegan Paul.

The Ibn Battuta Award is given by the Anthropology Program at Kansas State University to the anthropology major submitting the best anthropological research paper for the academic year. The award consists of a cash prize and book describing the adventures and discoveries of Ibn Battuta, a 14th century Muslim traveler, as well as recognition of quality research and writing. The awardee will be recognized at the annual departmental awards ceremony in April.

The paper can deal with any anthropological topic. Coauthored papers are not allowed.

Papers must be neat, typed, double-spaced, and include an abstract, in-text citations and a references cited section. All submissions must follow the style guide of American Anthropologist. The cover page should indicate the title, author, date of submission, and author's mailing address, phone number, and e-mail address. The first page of the text should also include the title and abstract. No identification of the author should be given beyond the cover page.

The complete paper should be e-mailed to the Anthropology Program Coordinator by the due date.

Past winners of the Ibn Battuta Award:

2008  Adam Bohannon
"Negotiating Id/entity in Internet-Mediated Contexts"

2007  Tobias Blake
"Illusions of the End: Coming to Terms with Apocalyptic Belief in America."

2006  Kevin Champion
"Eric Wolf Envisions Power: the Babri Masjid-Ramjanambhoomi Controversy"

2004 Ms. Jana Thomas
"Business Anthropology: A Look at How Anthropology is Creating a Niche for Itself in the World of Business"

2003 Ms. Stephanie Springer
"Edward Twitchell Hall: Studying the Culture of Everyday Life"

2002 Ms. Rose Ediger Wishall
"Hilda Beemer Kuper: 1911-1992"

2001 Mr. Lucas Bessire
"Ayoreo Inquiries: A Critical Analysis of the Geographical, Historical and Political Context of a Foraging People of the Gran Chaco"

1997 Michael Wesch
"Phish-Heads: Modern Society, Youth, and Identity"

1996 Laura Bathurst
"Laura Nader: A Critical Approach to Anthropology"

1994 Thurman G. Williams
"Revitalization Movements: A Comparison of Maori and Native American Past and Present"            

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