Thursday, January 26th, 2006
was known as “dragon’s spittle perfume” by the ancient Chinese and
encountered by Sinbad in “The Thousand and One Nights”. It was recorded
by Marco Polo and mentioned in the literature of Shakespeare. Called
“floating gold”, “Neptune’s niece”, and a process of “divine chemistry”,
Ambergris, or “Grey Amber”, was once harvested as a rare and costly
perfume additive and coveted as an aphrodisiac.
< 중
국에서는 용의 침으로 알려져 있고 , 아랍의 신바드의 천일야화 , 마르코 폴로 및 셰익스피어 작품에서도 언급되어
있으며,,,,,,,,,,,,떠다니는 금덩어리 , 바다의 신 넵튠의 조카 등의 별칭,,,,,,매우 귀한 향고착제 및 의학에도
< 중동지역 이슬람 문화 기록 >
카(Mecca) 순례시 알라신에게 바치는 최고의 선물로 간주되고 있고, 실제로 지금도 터키 순레자들은 용연향을 메카신전에
봉향하고 있다. 또 , 중동의 왕족들은 지금도 용연향을 구입하여 먹고 있으며, 용연향의 소유는 부와 권력의 최대의 상징으로 여기고
있다 . - 이슬람 문화 백과사전 중 -
< Islamic physicians in history ( 이슬람 물리 역사편 ) >
By Yuhanna Ibn Masawayh ( 10세기 유명한 의학자 )
Arabic pharmacy (Saydanah) was recognised as a separate profession from medicine by the beginning of 800AD century. -중 략 -
his book on aromatic simples, the Latin title of which is Liber de
simplicibus, Ibn Masawayh lists about 30 aromatics, their physical
properties and pharmacological effects. On ambergris, far example, he
explains that there are many types.
best among them the blue or grey (greyamber) fatty as-salahiti is used
mixed with the choicest of aromatic mixtures (ghaliyyahs, perfumes, or
medical cosmetics) and in geriatric electuaries. Only vaguely did Ibn
Masawayh know that ambergris originated from certain seafish (a
concreation from the intestinal tract of the sperm whale, physeteridae
found in tropical seas or on the shores).,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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