Hemophilia or haemophilia was not discovered by a single person or individual. In fact, a number of physicians throughout history took part in the process of discovering hemophilia. It was first mentioned in the Babylonian Talmud from the 2nd century. Rabbi Judah haNasi, the redactor of the Jewish tradition Mishneh, first recorded the complication of prolonged bleeding and its relationship with maternal inherited diseases.
Abu al-Qasim al-Zahrawi was the first to describe the disease and Dr. John Conrad Otto provided genetic explanation on the disease.
Abu al-Qasim al-Zahrawi, a renowned Arab physician was the first medical person to describe the disease. In the tenth century, he made an observation of a family where some of the male members had bled to death because of some minor traumas. There have been other records of such diseases as well but they were merely the descriptions and there were no credible evidence.
sumber dari: discovery.yukozimo.com
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