Allah SWT menegaskan dalam firman-Nya, Katakanlah (Muhammad),
‘Seandainya lautan menjadi tinta untuk (menulis) kalimat-kalimat Tuhanku, maka pasti habislah lautan itu sebelum selesai (penulisan) kalimat-kalimat Tuhanku,
meskipun Kami datangkan tambahan sebanyak itu (pula)

Thursday, 27 March 2014

The father of Islamic radicalism

BOOK LAUNCH: : Toynbee Hall in East London was the venue as Professor Yahya Michot from the Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies launched his much awaited and debated book on Ibn Taymiyyah.

 For leading enlightened Western academics, Muslim modernists and 'progressives', Ibn Taymiyyah is considered the godfather of uncompromising violent Jihadism. For the modern day 'Jihadi', the life and works of Taqi-Uddin Ahmad ibn Taymiyyah (d. 728/1328) are regarded as sources of inspiration. Perhaps one of the most misunderstood and misquoted scholars, he and those claiming to follow his school of understanding today, have been accused of anthropomorphism, enmity towards people of spirituality or Tasawwuf, and creedal deviation from mainstream Sunni Islam.

Ironically, Ibn Taymiyyah lived at a time very similar to ours, where Muslims in certain regions lived under non-Muslim rule, i.e. lands occupied by the Mongols and the Crusaders, and with various Muslim factions vying with one another to gain credibility with the Establishment.

In his book 'Ibn Taymiyya: Muslims under non-Muslim Rule", Professor Michot overturns this conventional and somewhat simplistic picture of Shaykh Ibn Taymiyyah.

During the book launch he examined the life, work and jihad, and present close and
careful translations of the four 'Mardin fatwas' issued by Ibn Taymiyyah on how Muslims should respond when they come under non-Muslim rule. Should they fight or quit such rule? If they have to adjust to it, what form should this take and to what extent should this be? The inconsistent and oft unfair accusations of deviancy levelled against Ibn Taymiyyah were also addressed in a scholarly manner.

"I developed an interest in researching Ibn Taymiyyah through my research of Ibn, whereby I discovered many similarities between these two great personalities," he said.

He added, " Ibn Taymiyyah did not just split the world up into two parts; namely Darul Islam and Darul Kufr/Harb, but recognised a third type, and as in the case of Mardin.

He further addressed the audience and elucidated the reasons why Ibn Taymiyyah's words are often taken out of context and used the assassination of Sadat and the Fatwa against Mongol invaders as examples.

"Ibn Taymiyyah was more open minded and as a progressive and broad thinker than he is given credit for." Professor Michot exhorted the audience and those who study the works of Ibn Taymiyyah to broaden their readings rather than focussing on selected chapters.

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